Intellectual Property

  • E-Commerce to V-Commerce (E2V)

    AUS 2016260749

    E-Commerce to V-Commerce (E2V) is another patent that bridges E-Commerce with Virtual Commerce.

  • SoftPanel

    AUS 2015207570

    Softpanel is our invention that lets managers better interact with the LED displays.

  • Virtual Commerce Bazaar (VCB)

    AUS 2014350720

    The Virtual Commerce Bazaar (VCB) provides for more interactivity with advertisements.

  • Adverpost

    AUS 2016200472

    Multi-party, multi-link advertising processing solution

  • Node Arranged Power Array (NAPA)

    CN 201510151935

    Node Arranged Power Array (NAPA) drastically reduces the power demand and consumption of large screens.

  • Adaptive Virtualization

    CN 101276311*

    Adaptive Virtualization offers a method for virtualizing flash memory arrays, where the controller automatically adjusts address requirements based on the memory's physical boundaries.

  • Firmware Data Protection System

    CN 101373441*

    FMDS is a firmware-based virtualized platform system that safeguards program data and metadata, preventing local OS damage.

  • OS Switching Method

    CN 101419560*

    The invention describes a method for switching operating systems using an extensible firmware interface, allowing for local or remote monitoring and control.

  • Firmware Flash Array Management

    CN 101825994*

    Firmware Flash Array Management provides a firmware-based device and method for managing flash memory arrays, enabling cross-platform high-capacity storage and RAID functionality

  • Advanced Flash Memory Device

    CN 101916584*

    AFMD details a flash memory device and method, offering enhanced capacity, reliability, portability, flexibility, and reduced cost, using an access interface for flash memory arrays.

  • Cross-Stacked Flash Array

    CN 101976574*

    The invention features a cross-stacked flash array and concentrators, enhancing capacity and performance through parallel and serial data connections with integrated processors.

  • Prioritized Ad Display Control

    CN 102542493*

    The method and device for controlling advertisement display by using prioritized control rings to manage and cycle display information flexibly.

Intellectual Property - Archive

  • Flash Module Array System (FMAS)

    CN 200710171787.8

    Flash Module Array Systems is a fundamental design patent used in many systems with distributed modular storage controllers.

  • Ambient Responsive V-Commerce (ARV)

    AUS 2017204785

    Ambient Responsive V-Commerce changes how advertisers schedule content on displays.

  • Smart Display

    AUS 2015263573

    Smart display further enhances LED displays to better detect nearby viewers.

  • Block Wearout Avoidance

    CN ZL200710171786.3

    Block Wearout Avoidance teaches how to avoid this end limit by introducing additional space to quickly swap data.

  • Flash Array Hub, Cascading

    CN ZL201010244777.9

    This invention teaches the modular design of the large LED Screens based on HUBs for interconnecting display modules and other control subsystems

  • Firmware Based Flash Array Management

    CN ZL201010149051.2

    This invention allows independent operation of Flash Module Arrays and Hubs for large LED screen subsystems from computer-based controls of prior art display systems.

  • Control Module Clusters

    CN ZL201010234704.7

    This invention provides the foundation for Smart Display integration of other key technologies for advanced V-Commerce implementation.

  • High-Capacity Flash Cluster Device

    CN 201804563U*

    The invention describes a flash cluster device offering enhanced capacity, reliability, portability, and flexibility, using ports for connecting multiple flash arrays and hubs to a host computer

  • Ambient-Based Media Delivery

    US 15/648018*

    The invention describes a method for delivering media content to a target device by matching ambient attribute information with content selection conditions for output or storage.

  • Super OS Switching System

    US 7356677B1*

    The invention introduces a Super Operating System for rapid switching between multiple OS environments by managing virtual computer systems through firmware-level partitioning and power management.

  • Dynamic Storage Manager

    US 6401183*

    The invention provides a Storage Manager that dynamically manipulates and partitions secondary storage without rewriting, using a Virtual Table of Contents and Cabinets to manage partitions.

  • Virtual Storage Management GUI

    US 6690400*

    The invention is a GUI for virtualizing systems and managing secondary storage, allowing users to define and manipulate storage cabinets, partitions, and perform "Cold Swaps" with multiple OS support.

*Inventor associated patents